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Palazzo Strozzi

A view of the Palazzo Strozzi as seen from the omonymous square




Benedetto da Maiano, Giuliano da Sangallo, Simone del Pollaiolo, Baccio d'Agnolo

Located between Piazza Strozzi and Via de’ Tornabuoni in the heart of Firenze, the Palazzo Strozzi is one of the finest examples of Renaissance architecture. It was commissioned by the Florentine merchant Filippo Strozzi and the foundations were laid in 1489 according to a design by Benedetto da Maiano. One year later, the project was committed to Simone del Pollaiolo who worked on it until 1504 when, although it was still unfinished, the palace was inhabited by the Strozzi family; the works resumed in 1523, probably under the direction of Baccio d’Agnolo, to stop definitively in 1538. In more recent times, the palace has undergone several renovations including the important one, executed by Giuseppe Poggi, between 1863 and 1865. The palace remained a property of the Strozzi family until 1937, and since 1999 it has been managed by the municipality of Firenze.

The palace is made of Pietraforte Sandstone; the columns of the mullioned windows and the frame of the roof are made of Pietra Serena Sandstone; the benches  surrounding the three sides of the palace are in Pietraforte Sandstone.

The entrance of the Palazzo Strozzi in Pietraforte Sandstone
The columns of the mullioned windows and the roof frame in Pietra Serena Sandstone