Alberese Limestone
Common names
Calcare Alberese, Pietra Alberese, Alberese
Rock classification
Sedimentary rock
This rock outcrops in Tuscany, mainly north-east of Prato, north-west and east of Firenze and south of the Chianti Mountains.
Turbiditic limestone of the Monte Morello Formation from the Calvana supergroup (external Liguridi, Paleocene-Eocene).
The Alberese Limestone was used in Firenze in Roman times; later was used only rarely as for instance in the ancient Torre della Pagliazza, in the Certosa and in the Basilica della Santissima Annunziata churchyard. It represents the only lime stone of the Florentine territory.
Mainly calcitic in composition (80-95%) with small amount of clay minerals.
Macroscopic description
It is a compact, fine-grained rock, with low porosity. Inside the strata, the havana color can vary from the ochraceous to the whitish-bluish and the olive green, depending on the clay mineral abundance. Calcite veins are frequent.
Microscopic description
Micritic limestone from weakly to fine grained marly. High content of foraminifera can be present.